Monday, August 31, 2009

Random photo shoot

We are enjoying trying out new things on our camera! We are doing hunting, working and baby dreamin'!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A weekend at LBJ with the Kirkpatrick Kids

Our friends, BK and Katie, invited us to spend a weekend with them at a family's lakehouse on LBJ. It was a great relaxing weekend of fun, sun and photography! : < ) enjoy!
this is BK and Katie

Our new camera does some cool things! This is just a random leaf on the ground!!!

Layton hanging out by the lake

Jana and Baby Shaffner choosing to "tan it" one more time this summer.

I love these chairs and this was a great symbol of our weekend!

We we playing with some different settings...

Happy Days

Fun time playin' on Mee Maw and Haw Jim's drive way!
Just playing with setting on my new camera settings!

Jana & Baby Shaffner

Layton enjoying some down time!

Bailey and Christy make a good pair

Kyton and Clint in the parade

Grandad keepin' cool!

Some hairspray paint at the park!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Doc visit went A-OK!

Week 24...things are great! Our baby is growing and growing! The doctor says the pregnancy is going very well. We did not get to see Baby Shaffner this time. (Bummer!) However, my weight, blood pressure and other tests are more than normal.

We did get to hear the heart beat again! That is a sweet, precious sound to hear!

Sorry there is not more "news" but honestly, we are just blessed that things are as good as they are for Baby Shaffner.

We are doing so well Layton treated us to Wild About Harry's! YUM!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Layton felt Baby Shaffner

We were just having a normal Monday night after work....watching How I Met Your Mother. Jana felt like the wiggles of Baby Shaffner might be strong enough for Layton to feel some of the movement...and HE did! Aug 3rd, Layton got to feel Baby Shaffner for the first time! In about 4 months from now, we will meet Baby Shaffner. Just wanted to share our fun evening!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The start of a new adventure

Ok, so we are a few weeks into this pregnancy (sarcasm, of course!)...however, we still want to share as much as we can with people we know and love. As most of you know, we have been around the world and enjoyed sharing our life with you (L&J's Travel Blog) and we would like to do that again. We are still enjoying the journey even though we are not in a different country!

Some answers to questions you might have:
  1. Baby Shaffner is due to join us sometime in the beginning of December.
  2. We will not know if Baby Shaffner is a boy or a girl until they decide to join us in this world. Some of you might have to swallow hard about this one!
  3. Jana has felt GREAT. Seriously, some of her friends are experiencing tough sicknesses and just feeling yucky during their pregnancies. However, Jana has to pinch herself every now and then in order to be thankful for such a great pregnancy.
  4. Layton has been to every doctor's appt so far and thinks hearing the heart beat is pretty cool.
  5. Weird cravings? Nope...we just endulge every now and then like cookie dough, powdered sugar donuts and cinnamon crunch bagels from Panera Bread Company.
  6. We will have Baby Shaffner at Presbyterian Dallas on Walnut Hill and Central.
We will try not to post too many embarrasing pics of Jana...however many have asked to see "the bump". So, here it is!