Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The only thing that stays the same...

Hi all - Well, I am here to tell you that I am learning the meaning of the saying "the only thing that stays the same is....CHANGE!" The change I am dealing with right now is a change in teachers at day care. Ms. Shonte left Bright Horizons on Thursday, Sept 16th. For those that did not hear about Ms. Shonte...she was my first teacher at Bright Horizons. She was great and you can tell I love her. She is going to work for DISD as a Kindergarten teachers aide and work on getting her degree! GO SHONTE! We are dealing with her departure and love Ms. Chelsea (Sp?) too. Here's to keep on keepin' on!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baptism and Labor Day fun!

We had a great weekend with lots of fun people in town. I was baptized at Highland Park United Methodist church this weekend in the Cornerstone service. You will see in the video that I tried to take Pastor Paul's microphone off...but it was an unsuccessful mission. I also wore my Grandaddy Si's gown. It was at least 90 years old! Pretty cool. Thanks to all those that made the effort and we missed those of you that were unable to join us.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Outfits from Daddy, Haw Jim and Grandpa Delbert

This is my Grandpa Delbert's gown....that is Grandpa Leland's great Grandaddy...very cool!
You have seen me in this outfit is my Daddy's. However, we changed the hat for these to be more like when my Daddy wore it as a baby.

This was my Haw Jim's baby outfit...this thing was ITCHY but I made it thru and ended up looking pretty cute. Can't imagine that Haw Jim liked it either.

So, Mommy, Mee Maw and Grandma Judy dressed me up in a lot of different outfits! Check them all out by clicking here.